SOCOTEC has supervised the execution of work on the C-66 bridge restoration project in Besalú.

General information

Date: 2015 - 2016 


Location: Besalú - España 

Photo copyright: ©SOCOTEC Spain 

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Talk to our experts


Oscar Bustos

Director Obras de Barcelona - Infraestructuras del Transporte

Director Obras de Barcelona - Infraestructuras del Transporte

Project summary

Supervision of the execution of work on the C-66 bridge restoration project in Besalú, with the design of a new 188 m-long extended deck. The provisional detours needed to carry out the works were also part of the design.

    Project details

    The services provided to supervise the execution of the project included inspecting and monitoring the budget, deadlines and quality of the work carried out, drafting reports, and dealing with the following aspects specifically :

    • Ensuring the correct development of the work in accordance with the project and the applicable regulations in force,
    • Monitoring of work, analysing compliance with the deadlines and verifying the financial compliance of the activities in accordance with the project,
    • Ensuring the quality of the work by approving and monitoring the testing plan to be implemented by the construction company,
    • Analysing and verifying potential technical changes on site due to optimisations that would not detract from the projected quality and functions,
    • Monthly monitoring reports for project management,
    • Drafting monthly work certifications.

    Drafting the Final Work Project that takes into account the condition of the work executed, compiling all the justifications for the project modifications, the graphic documentation and quality of the work documents.

    Our missions

    The Besalú bridge on the C-66z road was in a poor state of repair. The vehicle containment system was deeply deteriorated, out of compliance with current regulations, and the structure, made up of three reinforced concrete arches, showed superficial deterioration, exposed reinforcement and cracks.

    The deck consisted of a two-lane, 3.30-metre carriageway and two 0.80-metre pavements. The existing vehicle containment occupied about 0.30 metres on each side. In total, 8.80 metres of platform.

    The section built represented a widening of the deck, slightly widening the traffic lanes to 3.25 m, with the construction of two metal parapets type PMH-13, each occupying 0.57 metres. There is a 1.60-metre-wide pavement on the left-hand side. In total, 9.24 metres wide.

    The deck is designed and built to allow it to be widened to create another symmetrical pavement on the other side, if necessary. For this purpose, threaded reinforcement and connectors are embedded in the concrete. They allow the pavement to be attached downstream in the future, creating a platform with a total width of 10.84 metres, if necessary. 

    The construction involved the total cutting of the road and therefore the need to plan temporary detours, including a temporary roundabout on the C-66.

    The repair of the existing bridge required the construction of a platform on land over the River Fluvià, taking into account the environmental conditions of the area. The platform was designed to be permeable by means of pipes and not to impede the river in the event of flooding.

    The new deck, made of reinforced concrete, was built on site by means of a sliding formwork carriage in several positions, after demolition of the old deck. The total length of the deck was 188 metres.

    After waterproofing, two layers of hot bituminous mixes, a type IV-a levelling layer and a type BBTM11B wearing course were laid. Elastic joints were laid at the edges of the deck.

    A fibre-optic telephone line was affected, a temporary fibre-optic cable was built, and finally it was housed in a prism built for this purpose in the new deck.

    The works supervision included the treatment of the pavement, the corten railing and the horizontal, vertical and protective signalling elements.



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