Corporate Social Responsibility: The SOCOTEC Group having its foundations in 1953 to help built assets become sustainable, safer and develop their longevity after World War II, is committed to continue supporting its private and public clients towards built assets integrity.
Building, Construction, Infrastructure are among the most polluting sectors: from Green House Gas emissions and carbon footprint, to biodiversity damages and worksites waste management.

“Building trust for a safer and sustainable world”
SOCOTEC, a leading Group along the project life cycle

The group offers a unique combination of expertise to help investors, asset managers, property managers, builders, constructors, architects, promoters, maintenance and technical directors, etc. alongside the asset life cycle in order to ensure their compliance to laws and regulations, to make them safer, to develop their energy and environmental performance, and to contribute to cities of the future, more inclusive and safer for its occupants and users.
SOCOTEC is a trusted third party providing independent compliance audits and reports and delivering technical advice during the life cycle of buildings, installations or equipment. SOCOTEC wants to offer a safer, sustainable and more resilient environment to climate change for all.
Our purpose is “Building trust for a safer and sustainable world”.
The group offers a unique combination of expertise to help investors, asset managers, property managers, builders, constructors, architects, promoters, maintenance and technical directors, etc. alongside the asset life cycle in order to ensure their compliance to laws and regulations, to make them safer, to develop their energy and environmental performance, and to contribute to cities of the future, more inclusive and safer for its occupants and users.
SOCOTEC is a trusted third party providing independent compliance audits and reports and delivering technical advice during the life cycle of buildings, installations or equipment. SOCOTEC wants to offer a safer, sustainable and more resilient environment to climate change for all.
Our purpose is “Building trust for a safer and sustainable world”.
Our commitments towards sustainable practices are focused on 3 priorities:
- Business Ethics are rooted at the heart of our missions. As a trusted third-party we provide to our clients independent conformity or risk assessment reports. When working with clients and partners we comply to our code of ethics shared to 100% of our employees , we ask our providers to sign our Sustainable Procurement Charter and we follow all regulations on Human Rights, Labor laws, Anti-bribery Act, Environmental regulations. SOCOTEC is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact since 2022
Social responsibility: Our Business sectors (Building, Infrastructure, Industry) are continuously in search of qualified technicians and engineers profiles. To engage on a sustainable manner with our candidates and teams, we are committed to offer a best place to work. Our role and willingness is to prepare them on skills development, and offer all generations a “you grow we grow” work environment. Our learning programmes are unique and offer technical and technology comprehension by teaching people on the field on-the-job as well as through face-to-face or remote learning courses.
We also have sustainable initiatives proving our commitment to promoting and providing employment to young people who have early dropped out of school by working with associations such as “Sport dans la Ville” in France. In the UK we have signed the “Armed Forces Covenant” to support serving military personnel, service leavers, veterans, and their families. The “Salvadori Center” in the USA brings maths and science to life for New York City’s students in relation to Building and Infrastructure, while “Engineers without borders” in Germany promotes engineering knowledge that enables sustainable development in our sectors.
- Reducing the environmental impact, of our clients as well as ours, wherever we operate. We work alongside built assets lifecycle to improve their energy and environmental performance, from construction, through building operations to decomissioning : these expertise are called “GREEN TRUST” and make SOCOTEC a solution enabler of the environmental and energy transitions to its clients. SOCOTEC also provides solutions on circular economy for a better waste management and is committed to reducing its impact as well as its clients’ on carbon emissions and pollution consequences (water-land-air). Predictive maintenance of buildings and facilities can help optimize and anticipate environmental performance, in built structures, warehousing installations, production sites, maintenance or decommissioning phases of building.
GREEN TRUST makes a difference in the way we accompany our clients towards a more sustainable and resilient world as far as buidings, infrastructure, industrial installations and their equipment are concerned.
Reducing our own environmental impact is also a highest priority in all our geographies and part of our objective linked to our group carbon footprint. Our 5-year action plan asks :
- To reduce our carbon footprint by 15% (electricity consumption, travels, eco-friendly behavior when driving, car fleet including electrical cars, etc.)
- To Develop a responsible and sustainable procurement approach across the company worldwide
- To Support the circular economy and waste sorting, notably on our WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

Business ethics, integrity and responsibility are crucial to SOCOTEC's actions
Principles of ethics

Our 11,300 employees share our code of ethics principles, participate in our inclusion initiatives, and are made aware of required ethical behaviours at work with any SOCOTEC’s stakeholder. We also ask for a strong commitment to sustainable development through the corporate values that guide our actions. Compliance with local and international laws and regulations plays a key role in the SOCOTEC Group's code of ethics and management actions. This is a fundamental requirement that guarantees SOCOTEC’s integrity and upholds its reputation. A whistleblowing procedure allows any employee or stakeholder to report any crime, offence or threat to public interest.
We have an Ethics Committee that is committed to enforcing the Code of Ethics, and that is due to find a solution when receiving reports of unethical behavior and to oversee the enforcement of the provisions of anti-corruption laws.
Please note the two executive members leading the Ethics Committee :
- Eléonore LARRAMENDY, General Counsel, SOCOTEC Group
- Sébastien Botin, Human Resources Director, SOCOTEC Group
Our 11,300 employees share our code of ethics principles, participate in our inclusion initiatives, and are made aware of required ethical behaviours at work with any SOCOTEC’s stakeholder. We also ask for a strong commitment to sustainable development through the corporate values that guide our actions. Compliance with local and international laws and regulations plays a key role in the SOCOTEC Group's code of ethics and management actions. This is a fundamental requirement that guarantees SOCOTEC’s integrity and upholds its reputation. A whistleblowing procedure allows any employee or stakeholder to report any crime, offence or threat to public interest.
We have an Ethics Committee that is committed to enforcing the Code of Ethics, and that is due to find a solution when receiving reports of unethical behavior and to oversee the enforcement of the provisions of anti-corruption laws.
Please note the two executive members leading the Ethics Committee :
- Eléonore LARRAMENDY, General Counsel, SOCOTEC Group
- Sébastien Botin, Human Resources Director, SOCOTEC Group