Coordinación de Seguridad y Salud

Health & Safety

Safety is one of the pillars of SOCOTEC, for this reason we have a division dedicated solely to providing assistance in safety issues to the rest of the departments so that our actions on site comply with rigorous safety standards.

With the aim of promoting within the construction sector the idea that prevention is a tool that facilitates production, in 2024 SOCOTEC incorporates a specific department for the coordination of Health and Safety that until now was done in a decentralized way in each of the divisions.

With this division, we bring Safety Culture to projects and construction sites.

At SOCOTEC we offer a quality service in activities such as Health and Safety Coordination, Technical Assistance in Prevention, Self-Protection Plans, training of workers and managers, among others

Our department knows first-hand the problems of developers, construction companies and subcontractors and adapts its services to provide security at all levels.

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Talk to our experts

Teresa Cano SOCOTEC

Teresa Mª Cano

Directora de Seguridad y Salud

Directora de Seguridad y Salud

Servicios de Coordinador de Seguridad y Salud:

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Health & Safety Coordination

Seguridad y salud para Edificación

The promoter, in its obligations to guarantee the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks in the construction works it promotes, must appoint a health and safety coordinator.

This figure must guarantee that the contractor follows safe construction processes. Our coordinators are engineers and architects specialized in the prevention of occupational risks with extensive experience in unique engineering and architectural works.

In the development of building works, civil works and conservation and maintenance, the action of the health and safety coordinator represents an essential function, included in R.D. 1627/97, which promotes the application of all those measures that eliminate or reduce risks in the workplace.

The promoter, in its obligations to guarantee the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks in the construction works it promotes, must appoint a health and safety coordinator.

This figure must guarantee that the contractor follows safe construction processes. Our coordinators are engineers and architects specialized in the prevention of occupational risks with extensive experience in unique engineering and architectural works.

In the development of building works, civil works and conservation and maintenance, the action of the health and safety coordinator represents an essential function, included in R.D. 1627/97, which promotes the application of all those measures that eliminate or reduce risks in the workplace.

Coordination and Health Services according to the Work Phase
Redacción de proyecto

Project Drafting

  • Working together with the drafters of the project identifying points of risk and conflict between the different phases.

  • Assessment of identified risks.

  • Drafting of the Health and Safety Study including as annexes the minutes developed on the SSC in the project phase.

Inicio de la ejecución de obra:

Start of the execution of the work:

  • Analysis of the project for the execution of the work

  • SSE analysis

  • Analysis and approval (or favourable report) of the PSS

Durante la ejecución de las obras

During the execution of the works:

  • Contribution of the incident book and the first entry in it.

  • Kick-off meeting of the coordination and establishment of the calendar of coordination meetings.

  • Planning of preventive activity on site.

  • Verification and supervision of the access control system to the work implemented by the contractor.

  • Supervision of the document control of companies, workers and machinery implemented by the contractor.

  • Work systems between the coordination, the construction management and the promoter.

Final phase of the execution of the works:

  •  Site visits to verify the implementation of the guidelines set by the coordination.

  • Collaboration in the investigation of accidents.

  • Completion of coordination work.

Its main objective is to act on the working conditions, in the different phases of the works, allowing an adequate planning and integration of Safety, with the aim of eliminating/reducing the accident rate in construction.

The figure of the health and safety coordinator, both in the project phase and in the execution phase, is that of a competent technician appointed by the promoter, and it is an obligation of the promoter to make this designation


    Control Documental CAE

    We have an administrative document management service for access control consisting of the integration and daily management of permissions to access the different workspaces:

    • Access surveillance

    • Check-in and check-out

    • CAE Information to Visitors

    • Check delivery notes

    • Record working hours

    • Personnel with preventive training

    Social Security Registration

    • Vocational training to be carried out on site
    • Training/Information of the PSS of the work
    • Delivery and disposal of PPE
    • Medical Promotions


    • Contract of adhesion to the Mutual Society
    • Certificates of payment of the Treasury and S.S.
    • R.C. Insurance
    • Works with project: Adhesion to the PSS
    • Works without project: CAE Minutes

    Documentation for companies

    • Opening of the work center
    • Guestbook and subcontracting
    • Works with project: Health and Safety Plan
    • Works without project: AVR and planning of the preventive activity and implementation of the work


    Contracted with SPA or Contrato SPP

    • Contract of adhesion to the Mutual Society
    • Appointment of the person in charge of occupational health and safety
    • Certificates of payment of the Treasury and S.S.
    • Accredited Companies Registration
    • R.C. Insurance
    • Works with project: Adhesion to the PSS
    • Works without project: CAE Minutes

    Control documental CAE
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    Technical Assistance in Occupational Risk Prevention in Construction

    Seguridad y salud para Edificación

    The continuous improvement processes in all organizations that want to guarantee a regulated and total quality construction system require technicians specialized in the optimization of management and production processes from the point of view of quality, prevention and the environment.

    Our team are engineers and architects specialized in the implementation of ISO systems on construction sites with extensive experience in unique engineering and architectural works

    The continuous improvement processes in all organizations that want to guarantee a regulated and total quality construction system require technicians specialized in the optimization of management and production processes from the point of view of quality, prevention and the environment.

    Our team are engineers and architects specialized in the implementation of ISO systems on construction sites with extensive experience in unique engineering and architectural works

    Tailor-made Health & Safety Training

    We believe that safety is not only in the contracting of our health and safety services, but that it is necessary for this culture of safety to permeate all the agents involved in a work. That is why we provide tailor-made training for all the agents involved in a work, so that safety is one of the pillars from the most incipient phases of an action.

    We want to be part of this change for the better and that is why we promote the training of all people who want to be part of a wiser society, full of values such as resilience, efficiency and the common good


    Other Additional Services

    • Preparation of  Health  and Safety Technical Reports
    • Self-Protection Plans for centres, establishments and dependencies dedicated to activities that may give rise to emergency situations and are required by Royal Decree 393/2007, of 23 March, which approves the Basic Self-Protection Standard.
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    What is a Health and Safety Plan?

    Plan de Seguridad y Salud

    A Construction Safety and Health Plan is a comprehensive document whose primary objective is to protect the life and health of workers on the construction site by identifying and mitigating risks, complying with rules and regulations, and implementing preventive and emergency measures. At SOCOTEC we draft and update the Health and Safety Plans for your company.

    A Construction Safety and Health Plan is a comprehensive document whose primary objective is to protect the life and health of workers on the construction site by identifying and mitigating risks, complying with rules and regulations, and implementing preventive and emergency measures. At SOCOTEC we draft and update the Health and Safety Plans for your company.

    Main sectors where a health and safety coordinating body is needed
    Seguridad y salud para Edificación

    Health and Safety Coordination for Building

    In the building industry, we work hand-in-hand with architects, engineers and contractors to ensure that every phase of the project, from planning to completion, meets the highest safety standards.

    Seguridad y salud para Infraestructuras

    Health and Safety Coordination for Infrastructures

    For infrastructure projects, our priority is to ensure the safety of both workers and the public who may be affected by the works.

    Seguridad y salud para Industria

    Health and Safety Coordination for Industry

    In the industrial environment, where risks can be more varied and complex, we offer solutions tailored to the specific needs of each facility.

    Seguridad y salud para Retail

    Health & Safety Coordination for Retail

    In the retail sector, where the safety of customers and staff is critical, we work to ensure that construction or renovation work is carried out without interruption and minimising any safety risks.

    Do you want to apply for our Health & Safety services?

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    Talk to our experts

    Teresa Cano SOCOTEC

    Teresa Mª Cano

    Directora de Seguridad y Salud

    Directora de Seguridad y Salud