Socotec Colombia Ingeniería

SOCOTEC Colombia

SOCOTEC Colombia is a global engineering consulting firm that is part of the international group SOCOTEC, leader in the sector with a workforce of more than 12,000 people and a presence in 26 countries.

We are SOCOTEC Colombia.

We offer innovative solutions for highly complex engineering and construction projects in the infrastructure, real estate, building, industry, logistics, oil & gas, hydraulics and sanitation, energy and environment sectors.

We have a large team of professionals specialised in different fields which allows us to provide global support in the process of projection, planning and analysis from the conception of the idea and offering innovative solutions focused on sustainability and circularity:

Services of SOCOTEC Colombia

Discover the engineering and construction work we do in Colombia.

Engineering studies and designs, construction supervision and supervision, CFD wind and fire studies and specialized consulting in Colombia.

Our engineering firm in Colombia works in all areas of transportation (land, sea and air) performing studies, designs, audits and construction supervision.

We have Testing and Geotechnical Laboratories in Colombia, certified and focused on materials testing and soil studies, as well as geotechnical explorations.

Servicios ingeniería en Colombia

Discover the engineering and construction work we do in Colombia.

SOCOTEC Colombia Team

  • Management team
  • Diana Hoyos Ruiz

    Architect, Urban Planner and Builder, with specialization in Project Management and Urban Law.

  • Lina Rodríguez Cardona

    Infrastructure Manager Tit. Civil Engineer Mg. in Road and Transportation Infrastructure

  • Oscar Montaña Sanabria

    Area Manager Quality Control and Geotechnical Laboratory - Laboratories Colombia

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ONAC Certification


In Colombia at the headquarters Carrera 29C # 77- 55 Bogotá D.C has ONAC accreditation, valid to date, with accreditation code 15-LAB-001 under the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard.


In Colombia at the headquarters Carrera 29C # 77- 55 Bogotá D.C has ONAC accreditation, valid to date, with accreditation code 15-LAB-001 under the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard.

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