We used an underwater ROV to conduct the visual inspection and interior thickness measurements of tanks at the Ascó Nuclear Power Plant.

General information

Name: Service contract for inspections in non-class tanks at the ascó nuclear power plant

Date (year): 2020 - ongoing

Client: Ascó-Vandellòs II Nuclear Association 

Location: Tarragona, Spain

Photo property: Getty images

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Talk to our experts


Gerard Fargas

BDM maritime & industrial inspections

BDM maritime & industrial inspections

Project summary 

Visual inspection and interior thickness measurement of tanks by underwater ROV (Model: Sibiu Pro) according to the inspection procedures of the client. For verification of the condition of coatings and liners as well as characterization of ageing mechanisms.

Central nuclear

Project details

Visual interior inspection of tanks by means of underwater ROV equipment according to the client's life management programmes. The scope of the inspections is described below.

Detection and location of pitting, general corrosion, microbiological corrosion, spalling, fouling and local or general interior coating failures. Inspecting 100% of the surfaces paying special attention to signs of primer discontinuity leaving the base material or welds unprotected, such as blistering, cracking, flaking, peeling, delamination, spalling, etc.

Complementary to the visual inspection in those areas where degradation points have been detected during the visual inspection or for monitoring purposes, based on the last inspection carried out, thickness measurements are taken using ultrasound equipment coupled to the ROV in order to characterise possible pathologies and determine their evolution.

Subsequently, the results obtained are analysed with respect to the historical data in order to determine the evolution of the state of the tanks.

The technical team is made up of a pilot, observer and team leader, all of whom are certified technicians in the methodologies to be applied in accordance with UNE EN ISO 9712:2012. 

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