
Control and monitoring of the construction works at the new “AVE” high-speed train station La Sagrera

We are involved in the construction works for the new “AVE” high-speed train station La Sagrera, handling civil engineering, construction, and quality control for materials.

General information

Project name: Control and monitoring of the construction works at the new “AVE” high-speed train station La Sagrera

Date: 2010 – ongoing

Client: Adif

Location: Barcelona

Country: Spain

Image copyright: ©SOCOTEC Spain

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Talk to our experts


Oscar Bustos

Director Obras de Barcelona - Infraestructuras del Transporte

Director Obras de Barcelona - Infraestructuras del Transporte

Project summary

Assistance services contract for the control and monitoring of the project: “High-speed train line, Madrid – Zaragoza – Barcelona – French border. Section: La Sagrera – Nus de la Trinitat. Construction project for the structure of the Sagrera station.”

Project sumamry

As part of the construction project, relevant studies were conducted and corresponding reports drafted:

  •  Mapping and topography; route; planning; re-evaluation; soil movements; surfaces and paving
  •  Assessment of climate, hydrology and drainage; geotechnical and geological assessment
  •  Structures and walls; tunnels; study of the organisation and implementation of the project
  •  Signage, beacons and protection; lighting; route safety analysis
  •  Services leveraged; expropriations; budget for reports to the administration
  •  Corrective measures for environmental impact; health and safety; quality control plan
  •  Environment report; conservation and use plan

Study of the types of intersections and connections; waste management study; facilities

The project covers the drawing up of the preliminary construction and use plans for the Tárrega-Balaguer-Alfarràs section covering a total of approximately 54 km.

The project makes a distinction based on the type of route, either diversion lines, where the current route crosses through urban centres, or intercity lines. It will define drainage solutions along the length and width of the route and indicate the structures that must be expanded, remodelled or newly constructed, as applicable. The planned structures include in particular various brick structures such as underpasses, overpasses and walls, as well as larger structures including seven viaducts and a false tunnel.

The current project includes only those activities that are required to create the structure of the station. Side projects are currently being developed to complement this intervention and will cover the architecture and facilities of the station and the urbanisation of Sant Martí park.

La Sagrera station is defined as an intermodal station serving as a link for the following transport systems:

  • High-speed trains, intercity trains and regional trains ;
  • Urban and suburban trains ;
  • Routine and occasional bus lines ;
  • Lines 4 and 9 of the Barcelona metro system.

La Sagrera station urbanization

The conventional gauge lines will be located at elevation -1.67, where four 11.80 m wide platforms will be built, with three vertical access cores each and four emergency exits to protected walkways located under the tracks and with a final exit to the Parc de Sant Martí. These platforms are 240 m long. The height of the platform in relation to the rail level is 0.68 m, and the distance between the track axis and the edge is 1.72 m.

The main access to the Cercanías concourse is from the Sant Martí ring road, at a height of 10.20 m and on the east side of the station, through a vestibule that forms a large balcony over the Cercanías concourse, where there are also direct exits from the high-speed platforms.

On the south and north sides of the suburban lobby and occupying the same levels (at heights of 6.05 and 10.20), four large car parks will be integrated into the station itself, which will serve both the railway and bus station and the commercial, office and hotel area to be built in the vicinity of the station.

The high-speed railway is resolved with a large concourse on level 23.20, which is accessed from the mountainside. The concourse has clearly differentiated arrival, pre-boarding and departure areas and offers all the necessary services both for the operation of the line and for passengers. From this concourse there is access to the platform hall, which consists of five platforms, four of which are 400 m long and 12.00 m wide, and a fifth is 230 m long. The height of the platform from track level is 0.76 m, and the distance from the centre of the track to the edge is 1.62 m.

The lower floors of the tertiary buildings to the east will be used by ADIF for network services facilities.

The area use plan foresees the construction of a hotel in the building to the south of the main station entrance and service buildings in the other three station buildings (these buildings are not part of this project).

It is also proposed to construct a linear building on the west side of the station for a shopping/business centre with a rectangular plan of approximately 230 m by 20 m wide per level. Its volume allows for the development of 5 levels with a height between floors of 4 m and a total floor area of 17,940 m² (this building is not part of this project).

Vehicular accessibility is resolved through the surface road network planned for the area, complemented by a system of independent access roads to the car parks, the bus station and the station's logistical areas, which are described as follows


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