The SOCOTEC Circular Engineering Chair of the University of Zaragoza held the first day of tutoring of final degree projects (TFG) and final master's projects (TFM) on Wednesday, April 24. The conference was attended by both students of the University of Zaragoza and students of the University of Seville, belonging to various degrees and master's degrees related to the topics of the Chair, such as architecture and engineering, among others.
The meeting was first led by José Ramón Beltrán, director of the SOCOTEC Chair, who introduced the session explaining the nature of the program, as well as the principles and objectives of the Chair. Secondly, Marti Riera, SOCOTEC's director of Sustainability, gave a presentation talking about the challenges faced by the building and construction sector, with real success stories carried out by SOCOTEC.


If you are a student and you plan to present your final degree project (TFG) or final master's project (TFM) this academic year 2023-2024 and it is related to water, materials, energy, circular economy, sustainability or other related lines of work, sign up for SOCOTALENT!
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If you are a student and you plan to present your final degree project (TFG) or final master's project (TFM) this academic year 2023-2024 and it is related to water, materials, energy, circular economy, sustainability or other related lines of work, sign up for SOCOTALENT!
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