How to get the aid Line - TDI ERDF 2025 from the government of Aragon
Innovation and development grants
To obtain the Línea - TDI FEDER 2025 grants from the government of Aragon, the first step is to be aware of the call that is usually made towards the end of the year. As mentioned above, the call for applications for 2024 has opened on September 25, 2024.
- Name of the grant: grants Line - TDI ERDF 2025
- Application period: From 26 September 2024 to 15 January 2025.
- Beneficiaries: SMEs and Large Companies located in Aragon.
In a strategic boost to strengthen business activity in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, the call for "TDI Feder 2025 Grants" is presented as an incalculable opportunity for companies, both large and SMEs, that seek to promote their Industrial Transformation and Development. This type of non-refundable grants, on a competitive basis, establishes an application period from 26 September 2024 to 15 January 2025.
Once the call is known, it is essential to prepare the application according to the requirements established in the call. Some of these requirements, which have already been mentioned, include that the company must have industrial activity in Aragon and that the project must be developed between June 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025.
It is important to remember that the deadline for submitting the application ends on January 15, 2025.

Descarga el Resumen de la convocatorio de ayudas TDI FEDER
Objective and Beneficiaries of the Aid to SMEs 2025 or Aid to Large Companies 2025
The aid from Public Administrations is intended for companies with industrial activity in Aragon. Both large companies and SMEs are eligible for funding for projects that promote innovation and industrial development. A highlight is the distinction into two tranches of eligible expenditure: the first as "de minimis" aid up to €300,000, and the second applying the State aid scheme for excess spending. In total, a maximum of 500,000 per application per company.

En SOCOTEC tenemos experiencia en la tramitación de las ayudas

At SOCOTEC we have experience in the processing of TDI ERDF grants
Since 2010, we have had a team of experts in the processing of what are now called TDI ERDF grants. We have accompanied numerous companies in the preparation and submission of their applications, ensuring their compliance with the requirements and criteria established by the public administrations.
Our experience encompasses the end-to-end management of the process, from reviewing the eligibility of the project to the preparation of the necessary documentation. In addition, we offer personalized advice to maximize the chances of success in obtaining these grants.
Our trajectory has allowed us to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the particularities and requirements of this type of financing. This positions us as a strategic ally for those companies that seek to promote their industrial transformation and development with the support of TDI ERDF grants.
At SOCOTEC we have experience in the processing of TDI ERDF grants
Since 2010, we have had a team of experts in the processing of what are now called TDI ERDF grants. We have accompanied numerous companies in the preparation and submission of their applications, ensuring their compliance with the requirements and criteria established by the public administrations.
Our experience encompasses the end-to-end management of the process, from reviewing the eligibility of the project to the preparation of the necessary documentation. In addition, we offer personalized advice to maximize the chances of success in obtaining these grants.
Our trajectory has allowed us to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the particularities and requirements of this type of financing. This positions us as a strategic ally for those companies that seek to promote their industrial transformation and development with the support of TDI ERDF grants.
What lines of aid are included in the TDI ERDF grants?
The TDI ERDF subsidies include different lines of aid, all aimed at promoting industrial transformation and development in Aragon. This aid is particularly aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the industrial sector.
Helplines include:
- Non-refundable grants for business projects that promote innovation and development in the industrial sector.
- Grants for experimental research and/or development projects.
In addition, it is highlighted that this aid is granted on a competitive basis , which means that companies must compete with each other to obtain the funds.
The call covers several strategic areas:
- Regional investment aid.
- Investment aid for SMEs in Zaragoza.
- Aid for industrial research and experimental development.
- Grants for innovation in processes and organization.
- Aid for innovation in industrial property rights.
- Grants for technical consulting services.
Budget and Characteristics requested by the public administrations of the Autonomous Community of Aragon
For the year 2025, a budget of €10.025.158,50 is available, with a possible addition of up to €6,000,000. The intensities of the aid are determined according to the compatibility regulation, and the maximum accumulation per application or beneficiary is 500,000 euros.
The budget for the ERDF Line - TDI aid in Aragon for 2025 and is supported by the Budget Bill of the Autonomous Community of Aragon. An increase over the previous year is anticipated, reflecting a continued commitment to industrial development and transformation.
The characteristics requested by the public administrations for the aid are based on the following criteria:
- The grants are aimed at SMEs and large companies with business projects that seek industrial transformation and development.
- The aid is granted on a competitive basis and is subject to the de minimis regime, with a total amount of up to 300,000 euros per beneficiary through this fund.
- Projects must be developed between June 1, 2024 and May 31, 205 to be eligible for the grant.
- The grants are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), so the projects must be aligned with the objectives of this fund.
It is crucial that the companies applying for the grant meet these requirements to be considered in the call.
What are the eligible costs of the TDI ERDF Line grants?
The Public Administrations of the Autonomous Community of Aragon have established a specific budget for the ERDF 2025 Line - TDI aid.
The business projects selected for these grants must be developed during the period 2024 - 2025 and must be aligned with the objectives of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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