Summary of grants to encourage Investment and Finance R&D&I Projects in Andalusia

Tue 16/07/2024 - 09:09

In an effort to strengthen the business fabric and promote innovation, a new call for grants for investment and financing of R&D projects has been launched.

These grants are aimed at companies seeking to grow, improve their competitiveness, and develop research and development projects. SOCOTEC, with more than 20 years of experience in the management of grants and tax deductions, is here to help you maximize these opportunities.

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Details of the Call for Grants in Andalucía

The call for proposals finances up to 75% of the costs of projects focused on growth and improvement of competitiveness, as well as R&D projects. This is an unparalleled opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and other business entities, cooperatives and worker-owned companies seeking to innovate and expand.


Depending on the line of action, the beneficiaries may be:

  • Growth and competitiveness improvement and start-up projects: SMEs.
  • R&D projects: Commercial companies, cooperatives and worker-owned companies.


Lines of Action of the Grants in Andalusia

The lines of action covered by this call include:

  • Growth and competitiveness improvement projects and small business start-up projects: These projects can range from the creation of new establishments to the expansion of the capacity of existing establishments and diversification of production.
  • Industrial research and experimental development projects: Focused on promoting innovation and technological development within companies.


Amount of aid

The amount of the grant can reach up to 75% of the project costs, depending on the characteristics of the company and the selected line of action. This financing can be crucial to materialize projects that might otherwise be unattainable.

We help you obtain it

The amount of the grant can reach up to 75% of the project costs, depending on the characteristics of the company and the selected line of action. This financing can be crucial to materialize projects that might otherwise be unattainable.

How SOCOTEC Can Help You

At SOCOTEC, we specialize in detecting and processing calls for subsidies, also offering tax deduction management services through tax deductions. Our extensive experience allows us to advise you efficiently and effectively so that you can make the most of the available funding opportunities.

This new call for grants represents a unique opportunity for companies to strengthen their competitiveness and bet on innovation. At SOCOTEC, we are committed to helping you navigate the application process and maximize your chances of success.

If you are interested in learning more about this call or to learn more about our work method, we invite you to take a brief online meeting.

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