How to Comply with Law 7/2021: Calculate Your Company's Carbon Footprint

Mon 22/01/2024 - 16:08

In today's era, environmental awareness and corporate responsibility are critical to the sustainable success  of any company.  Law 7/2021 on Climate Change and Energy Transition establishes essential requirements for companies, especially those with more than 250 employees, an annual turnover of more than €40 million and assets of more than €20 million. One of the main obligations is the calculation and reduction of the carbon footprint. This article will guide you step-by-step on how to calculate your company's carbon footprint to comply with current legislation.


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Why is it crucial to calculate the CO2 equivalent?

Calculating the carbon footprint is not only a legal requirement, but a proactive action to contribute to environmental sustainability. The carbon footprint represents the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with a company's operations and activities. Knowing this figure allows companies to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to reduce their environmental impact.

Guide to measuring your company's Carbon Footprint

a. Scope Identification: Define the sources of GHG emissions in your company. Scope 1 covers direct emissions, Scope 2 addresses indirect emissions from purchased power generation, and scope 3 includes other indirect emissions, such as those related to the supply chain.

b. Data Collection: Gather relevant data on energy consumption, mobility, purchasing, and other operational aspects. Use accurate information for reliable results.

c. Application of Emission Factors: Uses the appropriate emission factors to convert the collected data into GHG emissions. These factors vary by source and region.

d. Carbon Footprint Calculation: Perform the necessary calculations to obtain the total carbon footprint of your company, meticulously evaluating GHG emissions at each stage of the process.

e. Helpful Tools and Resources: Numerous online tools and resources are available to facilitate carbon footprint calculation and GHG management. Be sure to select those that fit the specific characteristics of your company, allowing you to effectively manage your GHG emissions and comply with environmental regulations.

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How can the carbon footprint be calculated?

Calculating the carbon footprint involves identifying and quantifying the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by a company. The process includes the identification of emission sources, the accurate collection of data on energy consumption, mobility and procurement, and the application of relevant emission factors. Using specialized tools and resources, such as a carbon footprint calculator, the detailed calculation is made, but it is not enough to comply with the regulations. This analysis provides a clear view of the organization's environmental impact, enabling the implementation of specific strategies to reduce the footprint and comply with environmental regulations.

Request a Carbon Footprint Consultation

Calculating the carbon footprint involves identifying and quantifying the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by a company. The process includes the identification of emission sources, the accurate collection of data on energy consumption, mobility and procurement, and the application of relevant emission factors. Using specialized tools and resources, such as a carbon footprint calculator, the detailed calculation is made, but it is not enough to comply with the regulations. This analysis provides a clear view of the organization's environmental impact, enabling the implementation of specific strategies to reduce the footprint and comply with environmental regulations.

How to calculate the carbon footprint of companies and reduce their GHGs?

Calculating your carbon footprint is a crucial first step, but the real challenge lies in implementing effective strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Once you get a clear view of your environmental impact, it's time to address specific areas that contribute to GHG increases. Energy efficiency becomes a focal point, seeking to reduce the consumption of resources not only to decrease costs, but also to mitigate the release of carbon dioxide. In addition, adjustments in the supply chain can optimize processes, reduce emissions, and encourage more sustainable practices. This comprehensive approach will enable your company to not only comply with environmental regulations, but also lead a meaningful shift towards a greener and more sustainable operation.

Steps to Comply with the Carbon Footprint Act in the industry

To ensure full compliance with the Carbon Footprint Law, having SOCOTEC's consulting services  is key. Their proven experience and approach tailored to each company ensure accurate results and effective actions to reduce the environmental footprint. In addition, detailed analysis of consumption data makes it possible to identify critical areas of increase in emissions, while targeted strategies will effectively reduce the release of carbon dioxide. It's not just about complying with regulations, it's about moving towards a more sustainable and responsible operation.

Complying with Law 7/2021 is more than a mandatory requirement; It is a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Because Carbon Footprint Reduction is a common good

Calculating your carbon footprint is the first step towards a greener and more sustainable future. By doing so, you will not only comply with regulations, but also contribute to increasing the well-being of the planet and strengthen your company's sustainable position in the market.

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