We helped supervise the construction of infrastructure for the high speed railway line between Barcelona and the French border.
General information
Date: 2007 - 2012
Client: Adif
Location: Spain
Photo copyright: Gettyimages y ©SOCOTEC Spain

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Project summary
This contract covered the supervision of the structure of the new La Sagrera intermodal station in Barcelona as part of the high-speed railway line project from Madrid to the French border via Zaragoza and Barcelona. The section covered was La Sagrera—Nudo de la Trinidad, in a construction project to build the structure of the La Sagrera station.
Project details
La Sagrera is an intermodal station with connections to the following transport systems :
- High-speed, mainline and regional trains,
- Local lines,
- Regular and charter bus services,
- Lines 4 and 9 of the Barcelona metro network.
Lines measuring a conventional width were therefore planned to be located 1.67 m below the four new 11.8 m platforms, each of which has three vertical access points and four emergency exits in protected passageways below the tracks, with a final exit in Parc de Sant Martí. These platforms are 240 m long. The platforms are 0.68 m higher than the tracks and the track’s axis is 1.72 m from its edge.
The main entrance to the foyer for local lines is located in Ronda de Sant Martí, situated 10.20 m high and to the east of the station. Passengers walk through a hallway shaped like a large balcony overlooking the main foyer for local lines, which also contains direct exits from the platforms for high-speed lines.
Four large carparks are located to either side and to the north of the foyer for local lines and at the same levels of elevation (6.05 m and 10.20 m approx.). They serve both the railway station and the bus station, as well as the surrounding area for tertiary activities with retail spaces, offices and hotels all being built nearby.
Passengers access the high-speed lines through another large foyer with access to Banda Montaña. This foyer has distinct areas for arrivals, pre-departures and departures, providing all of the services needed for operators and passengers alike. Passengers can access the platform level from this foyer. There are five platforms, four of which measuring 400 m long and 12 m wide, and one 230 m-long platform. The platform here is 0.76 m higher than the track, and the track’s axis is 1.62 m from its edge.
Part of the lower floors of the commercial buildings planned on this side will be used by Spanish railway infrastructure manager Adif for its network service facilities.
Drivers can access the station through the surface-level roadway network that has been planned, as well as a system of various segregated roads that will enable access to parking, the bus station, and logistics areas for the railway station itself.
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