General information

Name of the Project: “Rehabilitation of La Carboneria (Casa Tarragó)”

Date (year): 2022

Client: Ángel Borrego Cubero

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Photography property: Simona Rota



Project summary: 

Structural engineering services have been fundamental to restore the splendor of "La Carbonería" and to carry out a successful rehabilitation that has preserved historical elements, improved the spatial distribution and complied with sustainable criteria for its integration into the urban environment.


Project details: 

The oldest building in Barcelona's Ensanche, known as La Carbonería or Casa Tarragó, has recovered its splendor after a long rehabilitation process thanks to SOCOTEC and architect Ángel Borrego Cubero. One of the challenges to be taken on was to make an interior structure preserving the original structural elements, including the four facades, which were very deteriorated due to lack of maintenance.

Main actions

Thorough rehabilitation process to preserve and restore the original structure of the building, which had suffered deterioration due to lack of maintenance.

Restoration of the building's four facades while maintaining small elements of historic graffiti found inside the homes or in the courtyard, bringing heritage value to the project.

Which was hidden inside the urban block due to the Cerdà Plan. This has involved technical and structural work to ensure its stability and conservation.

The stair core and elevator have been moved to the far corner of the inner courtyard to recover the essence of the original gallery. Surprising floating walkways have been installed to allow access to the dwellings from the courtyard.

The flat, walkable roof has been completely refurbished and converted into a community space equipped with a small swimming pool. 

The upper walkway giving access to the renovated roof fulfills a crucial structural function by maintaining the stability of the party wall, which would have been difficult to achieve otherwise.

Rehabilitación de la Carbonería (Casa Tarragó)

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