The 2nd SOCOTEC Chair Conference on Circular Engineering, entitled “Maximize your energy investment through CAE in Aragon”, will be held on October 2, 2024 at the Paraninfo of the University of Zaragoza.
This year, the event will focus on the importance of the Certificados de Ahorro Energético (CAE) as a key tool for optimizing energy efficiency and maximizing the return on investments in the energy sector.
LOS CAEs, la temática principal de nuestro II Congreso de Circularidad
The CAE are fundamental instruments in the transition strategy towards a more sustainable energy model. They allow companies and organizations to obtain certifications for their energy savings, encouraging the implementation of energy efficiency measures energy efficiency and promoting the reduction of carbon emissions. This congress will provide a platform to discuss best practices, share experiences and explore the opportunities that CAEs offer in Aragon.
Places are free and limited
If you want to attend, please register in the following form.

SOCOTEC and the SOCOTEC Chair of Circular Engineering

Organized by SOCOTEC in collaboration with the Chair of Circular Engineering at the University of Zaragoza, this congress is part of the commitment of both institutions to improve training in circular engineering, innovation and sustainability. The Chair is dedicated to promoting research and the development of projects that address current environmental challenges, offering students internship and professional development opportunities at SOCOTEC.
Organized by SOCOTEC in collaboration with the Chair of Circular Engineering at the University of Zaragoza, this congress is part of the commitment of both institutions to improve training in circular engineering, innovation and sustainability. The Chair is dedicated to promoting research and the development of projects that address current environmental challenges, offering students internship and professional development opportunities at SOCOTEC.
- 9:15-9:30 Accreditation
- 9:30-10:00 Opening and Welcome
- Moderator: José Ramón Beltrán. Director of the SOCOTEC Chair of Circular Engineering at the University of Zaragoza.
- UNIVERSITY OF ZARAGOZA. Gloria Cuenca. Vice-Rector for Transfer at the University of Zaragoza.
- CEOE ARAGÓN. Miguel Marzo, president of CEOE Aragón
- 10:00-10:15 What are Energy Savings Certificates (EACs)? Introduction to the CAEs system and new features
- MITECO. Sandra Diz, State Mining Engineer and Head of the Industry Area of the General Subdirectorate of Energy Efficiency and Access. Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines. Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
- 10:15-10:30 How does the Energy Savings Certificate system work? Key considerations for the issuance of CAEs.
- SOCOTEC. Silvia Serrano, Director of Engineering and Energy, CAE Manager at SOCOTEC SPAIN.
- 10:30-11:15 Success stories: Obtaining Income by Saving Energy.
- GREENYELLOW. Álvaro López. Commercial Director at GreenYellow.
- RIBAWOOD. Julien Roche, Director of Engineering, Ribawood.
- ICAEN. Lluís Morer i Forns. Responsable d'Eficiència Energètica de l'Institut Català de l'Energia (ICAEN). Generalitat de Catalunya.
- 11:15-12:00 Round table: Risks and opportunities generated by the new CAE market.
- GOVERNMENT OF ARAGON. Fernando Rivera, Head of the Energy Planning Service. Directorate-General for Energy and Mines. Government of Aragon.
- OCA GLOBAL. José Barrantes. Director of Operations, Certification Division of OCA Global.
- SOCOTEC. Martí Riera. Director of Sustainability at SOCOTEC SPAIN.
- MOLGAS. Javier García Peñafiel. Commercial Director of MOLGAS.
- 12:00-12:15 Discussion and Conclusions
- COIIAR. Francisco Jose Serrano Luis - Secretario Técnico del Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales de Aragón y la Rioja (COIIAR).
- CLENAR. Francisco Valenzuela. Manager of the Energy Cluster of Aragon (CLENAR).
- 12:15 Networking Coffee
Key Representatives
We will have the participation of representatives from various key sectors, who will share their experiences and perspectives on the implementation and benefits of CAEs.
Sectoral Representation
Among the participants are a representative of the agricultural sector, a representative of the industrial sector, a representative of the building sector, and a representative of the transport sector, all of whom are directly involved in the management of CAEs.
Subjects Involved
In addition, an accredited verifier and several obliged entities will contribute their technical and regulatory vision, while SOCOTEC will participate as a delegated subject, sharing experiences and approaches to maximize energy savings and contribute to sustainability.
SOCOTEC expertise in Energy Consulting and Circular Engineering
SOCOTEC is a leader in energy consulting and the application of circular engineering principles. With an outstanding track record in improving energy efficiency, SOCOTEC is dedicated to providing innovative and sustainable solutions that help companies optimize their resources and reduce their environmental impact. The company combines its deep technical expertise with extensive experience in a variety of sectors, from industrial to tertiary, to provide comprehensive and customized advice.