We have participated in the integral Project Management of a hydroelectric power plant with the development of conceptual engineering, processing of environmental permits, processing of sectorial permits, bidding and contracting of works, detailed engineering, works management, works supervision, coordination and the start-up of the project. 

General information  

Client: SOCER, SA  

Location: Los Angeles, Chile   

Date (Year): 2013-2017   

Summary of the project:  

SOCOTEC has developed the Project Management of this hydroelectric power plant that is located in the irrigation infrastructures of the Asociación de Canalistas del Laja, near Los Angeles (Biobío - Chile). This project has been carried out by the Asociación de Canalistas del Laja itself, together with an investor group of mixed Chilean-Spanish capital.   


Details of the project:  

The purpose of the "Melo Hydroelectric Power Plant" project is to harness the water derived from the Association's main canal to the Caliboro Estuary. The power plant is of the run-of-river type and is sized for a flow of 13.5 m³/s, with an installed capacity of 2.8 MW. It has a low head diversion works and a conventional intake works that feed a 3 km long trapezoidal section channel, which connects to a loading chamber from which, through a DN2400 and 860 m long penstock, it connects to the powerhouse. The plant is equipped with a single vertical axis Kaplan turbine. The electrical and control installations, as well as the transformer, are located in the same building. 


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