We provide periodic maintenance inspection services for railway rolling stock axles using ultrasound and magnetic particles.

General information

Name: Ferrocarrils de Catalunya ultrasonic inspection service.

Date (year): 2019 - ongoing

Client: Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Location: Barcelona - Spain

Photo property: Gettyimages

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Talk to our experts


Gerard Fargas

BDM maritime & industrial inspections

BDM maritime & industrial inspections

Project summary

Provision of periodic maintenance inspection services of railway rolling stock axles by means of ultrasound and magnetic particles, in order to verify the absence of pathologies in these elements.

Project details

BAC ECG as a company accredited by AEND (Asosciación Española de Ensayos No Destructivos) performs the inspection of axles by ultrasound and magnetic particles of passenger rolling stock of the Barcelona-Vallès and Llobregat - Anoia lines, merchandise, auxiliary services and Núria and Tren del Ciment rack railway. These inspections are carried out in the workshops owned by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC). Their objective is to identify and characterize possible pathologies present in the axles.

The inspections are carried out by technicians qualified as Level II in metallic materials and welding according to UNE EN 473:2009 / UNE EN ISO 9712:2012 /STC-TC-1st with accredited experience of more than 2 years in similar works.

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